Several Teas to Help You Sleep Better


A hot beverage can warm you up on a cool day, and tea, specifically, can assist with mitigating various diseases. You may drink tea with nectar and lemon when you have a sensitive throat, green tea for its cell reinforcement advantages, or dark tea for an explosion of energy. Spices, for example, chamomile and peppermint may even assistance mitigate feminine issues, muscle spasms, and acid reflux.

While jazzed teas can have animating advantages, numerous natural teas have the contrary impact. Chamomile tea is broadly used to advance unwinding, sleepiness, and serene rest. In the event that you attempted to will rest in adolescence (or past), maybe your parent or grandparent prescribed a chamomile mix to assist you with floating off.

Inconvenience nodding off isn’t remarkable, particularly during seasons of expanded pressure. Sleep time teas mix explicit spices to assist you with overcoming sleep deprivation normally, so they make an extraordinary alternative on the off chance that you like to keep away from restorative tranquilizers.

On the off chance that you’ve moved on from sleepytime tea and need something with somewhat more unwinding potential, attempt the seven teas recorded beneath to nod off quicker and rest adequately.

How to shop for teas that help you sleep

With so many flavors, blends, and tea types to choose from, finding the best bedtime tea can be an exhausting undertaking.

Wondering how to find the right tea for better sleep? The tips below can help.

What ingredients should you look for?

You’ll definitely want to stick with decaffeinated or naturally caffeine-free teas, but certain herbs may have additional benefits for promoting restful sleep.

Herbs often used in teas for sleep include:

  • chamomile
  • valerian root
  • passionflower
  • lavender
  • lemon balm (different from lemon, which can have an energizing effect)
  • catnip

While many bedtime teas include peppermint or spearmint, some people find that mint feels more invigorating than relaxing.

Note that experts recommendTrusted Source avoiding valerian root while pregnant or breastfeeding. If you want to try a valerian tea, it’s best to talk with your healthcare provider first.

Should you go for loose tea or bags?

If you’ve heard that some tea bags contain microplastics, you might feel a little alarmed by the thought of drinking bagged tea.

Many tea brands have shifted to newer, biodegradable tea bags, or are in the process of doing so. For the time being, experts still consider tea bags safe to use, so you don’t need to completely avoid bagged tea.

That said, many people prefer the taste of loose tea steeped in a teapot rather than directly in the mug. Tea bags can be convenient, but loose tea also helps reduce packaging waste.

If you prefer loose tea, you’ll need a teapot or tea ball, along with a kettle to boil water.

How do you know you’re buying quality tea?

You can recognize good quality tea by the shape of the tea leaves, flower buds, or herbs. Lower quality tea is often crumbled or powdered.

Good quality herbal tea, on the other hand, will more closely resemble a dried bouquet. This means you’ll probably see pieces of fruit, plants, or flowers in your tea.

Dried herbs and flowers should have some weight and color to them, along with a fragrance not unlike the fresh plant. Old, low-quality herbs feel lightweight, and they probably won’t have as much fragrance or taste.

Your tea doesn’t have to be top-tier to get the job done, of course, so don’t feel bad about sticking to your favorite Stash or Celestial Seasonings blend — we drink them, too!

Do you have to pay a lot for good tea?

Fancy teas can get a little expensive, but in some cases, price can suggest a better grade of tea.

Higher quality teas and herbs tend to cost more to produce and harvest. Organic, responsibly sourced, and fair trade teas all tend to cost more than your average grocery store tea bags. But their higher price tag helps ensure sustainable production and fair wages for farmers.

You absolutely can find quality teas at reasonable prices, however, especially if you buy your tea in bulk.

How we chose the best teas for sleeping

We considered plenty of relaxing bedtime blends to create our final list of recommendations. Here’s how we decided which teas to include:

  • Ingredients. You can’t make a good bedtime tea without the right components. We only selected teas without caffeine, of course, but we also looked for blends featuring ingredients sure to summon the Sandman.
  • Variety. You can pick up a box of chamomile tea at any grocery store, so we looked for teas with a little more to offer beyond this tried-and-true, but perhaps a little tired, herb.
  • Customer reviews and testing. We sampled a few of the blends to give you the most accurate insight on taste and impact. For the others, we read through customer reviews to get a good idea of taste, effect, and tea quality.
  • Quality. Speaking of quality, we stuck to well-known brands with established websites and plenty of positive customer feedback. We also checked whether brands were upfront about their ingredients and provided information about tea sourcing and processing.
  • Ease of purchase. You’ll find a few of these brands on Amazon or in local brick-and-mortar stores, but you can also buy them directly from the brand’s website.

Pricing guide

Tea prices can vary widely, especially when it comes to loose tea. Buying in bulk is generally cheaper, but you may want to taste test with a smaller sample pack first.

We included teas at a variety of price points to help every shopper find the right blend.

  • $ = under $10
  • $$ = $10–$16
  • $$$ = over $16

Healthline’s picks for the best teas to help you sleep

Best rated tea to help you sleep

Adagio Teas 40 Winks

Adagio Teas 40 Winks tea
  • Price: $
  • Key ingredients: Valerian root, honeybush tea, chamomile, spearmint, and lavender
  • Type: Bagged or loose

Adagio Teas’ signature sleepytime blend, 40 Winks, has an average rating of 96 (out of 100) from 835 reviews — a good sign this tea really may promote restful sleep.

You can probably thank the valerian root for that. Valerian root is widely used to promote relaxation and restful sleep, and some people say it also helps relieve anxiety and stress. While researchTrusted Source on the effectiveness of valerian root remains inconclusive, plenty of people swear by the herb as a bedtime sleep aid.

In testing, we liked the crisp herbal scent of this tea. The fragrance of spearmint stood out, although, when we sipped the tea, we tasted chamomile more than anything else. 40 Winks has a light, clean flavor that’s not fruity or floral but rather distinctly herbal. We found it refreshing and calming, with just a bit of tartness.

Reviewers mostly love the flavor of this tea. People who enjoy the benefits of valerian, but not the herb’s strong taste, say this tea blends other ingredients well enough that the valerian doesn’t take over. Most importantly, they say this tea works well for better relaxation, less stress, and relief from insomnia.

The family-owned company, sources their teas directly from farmers around the world and partners with South Pole to reduce their carbon footprint.

Buy the Adagio Teas 40 Winks online.

Best bagged tea to help you sleep

Smith Teamaker Lullaby (Blend No. 40)

Smith Teamaker Lullaby tea
  • Price: $$
  • Key ingredients: Chamomile, lemongrass, lavender, and ashwagandha
  • Type: Bagged or loose

Smith Teamaker, based in Oregon, prides itself on fresh, unique teas, and this bedtime blend is no exception.

Lullaby combines notes of chamomile, lemon balm, and lavender — herbs known to improve relaxation and promote restful sleep — with ashwagandha, an essential herb in Ayurvedic medicine.

Ashwagandha offers a variety of health benefits, but it’s particularly known for its ability to help relieve stressTrusted Source and anxiety. Many people trace insomnia and poor sleep back to these two key factors.

Reviewers call this tea “delicious” and “soothing,” saying it helps them wind down in the evening and fall asleep faster. A few people say this tea helped them feel calm and comforted during times of stress.

If chamomile tea works for you but you’re seeking a flavor that’s a little out of the ordinary, you might enjoy this tea. Reviews suggest it has a pleasant, mellow taste that doesn’t overwhelm. One reviewer calls it “an interesting chamomile tea I actually like.”

You can purchase this tea loose or bagged online, but you may also find it sold in stores that sell Smith Teamaker blends. Lullaby is certified organic by California Certified Organic Farmers.

Buy Smith Teamaker Lullaby online.

Best tea with valerian to help you sleep

DAVIDsTEA Organic Mother’s Little Helper

DAVIDsTEA Organic Mother's Little Helper tea
  • Price: $$$
  • Key ingredients: Valerian root, chamomile, peppermint, and lemongrass
  • Type: Bagged or loose

Like Adagio’s 40 Winks, Mother’s Little Helper features valerian root as a key ingredient. The tea blend also contains chamomile and peppermint, so it might help ease any knots in your stomach while providing a double dose of relaxation.

Most reviewers love this tea. People call it refreshing and relaxing, with a soothing fragrance and crisp flavor. A few people did find the mint a little strong, so if you aren’t a fan of minty teas, you may want to skip this one.

In general, reviewers say this tea helps ease not only insomnia, but also stomach troubles and even headaches. Mother’s Little Helper is organic, kosher, and fair trade.

Bonus: Canadian tea company DAVIDsTEA prioritizes sustainability and partners with Ethical Tea Partnership.

Buy DAVIDsTEA Organic Mother’s Little Helper online.

Best organic tea to help you sleep

The Tea Spot Light’s Out

The Tea Spot Light's Out tea
  • Price: $$
  • Key ingredients: Hibiscus, peppermint, licorice, lavender, chamomile, and valerian root
  • Type: Bagged or loose

Another blend of valerian root and chamomile, this organic tea also features the bright tang of hibiscus, licorice for sweetness, and lavender for a dose of calm.

Hibiscus, an antioxidant-rich plantTrusted Source, offers plenty of its own health benefits. So, choosing a bedtime tea with hibiscus could improve more than just the quality of your sleep.

In general, reviewers praise this tea. People say it has plenty of flavor and a wonderful fragrance. If you don’t care for licorice, don’t worry — a few reviewers note the taste is barely noticeable. People tend to notice the hibiscus more than anything else, but most reviewers enjoy the taste.

As for effectiveness, reviewers say this tea really does seem to put the lights out. People say they love the tea for winding down and relaxing before bedtime, and a few even say it made sleeping pills unnecessary.

Buy The Tea Spot Light’s Out online.

Best relaxing tea to help you sleep

Adagio Teas Daydream

Adagio Teas Daydream tea
  • Price: $
  • Key ingredients: Rooibos, hibiscus, passionflower, lemon balm, and lavender
  • Type: Bagged or loose

The unique flavor profile of the Daydream blend may not put you right to sleep, but many say it’s still wholly relaxing.

Thanks to the marigold flowers, this tea gives off a slightly spicy fragrance as it brews. The actual taste, a clean herbal flavor that falls short of floral, isn’t strong at all. In other words, you might like this tea if you prefer lighter blends.

In testing, we didn’t taste much of the lavender or licorice beyond a faintly sweet aftertaste. The notes of orange add some tart sweetness, while the faint hint of peppermint keeps it from becoming cloying.

In short, Daydream helps refresh and calm you without an overwhelming flavor — no small feat, when you consider the lengthy list of ingredients. The herbal notes work together to provide a soothing, somewhat elusive flavor, not unlike a pleasant dream you can’t quite recall.

Reviewers call Daydream’s flavor “hazy” and “delicate.” A few reviewers don’t love the blend of ingredients, but others say it has a soothing, fruity flavor.

While some reviewers say it doesn’t have the most intense flavor, they note it does help ease stress and anxiety and promote relaxation — especially as they wind down after a long day. One reviewer even says this tea puts them to sleep before they finish their cup.

Buy Adagio Teas Daydream online.

Best sweet tea to help you sleep

The Republic of Tea Get Some Zzz’s

The Republic of Tea Get Some Zzz's tea
  • Price: $$
  • Key ingredients: Rooibos, orange peel, spearmint, chamomile, passionflower, valerian root, and stevia
  • Type: Bagged

This bedtime tea combines chamomile with rooibos — a red tea known for its antioxidants — and passionflower — an herb widely used to promote relaxation and better sleepTrusted Source.

Orange peel adds citrus notes, while stevia sweetens the blend. The reviews suggest you won’t need any sugar or honey for this tea. Some people even find it a little too sweet.

For the most part, people love this tea. Reviewers call the taste smooth and mellow, with notes of refreshing mint. Bedtime teas are about more than taste, of course, and reviewers also say this tea really does help them, well, catch some Zzz’s.

People say this tea helps them relax and unwind, even in the face of pandemic anxiety and stress. Some people experiencing chronic pain say this tea helps them sleep more soundly. A few reviewers even say this tea helps them skip other sleep aids or pain medication.

This tea is kosher and gluten-free. You’ll find this brand in many stores, but you can also purchase Get Some Zzz’s from Amazon or directly from The Republic of Tea’s website.

Buy The Republic of Tea Get Some Zzz’s online.

Best decaffeinated tea to help you sleep

Taylors of Harrogate Yorkshire Tea Bedtime Brew

Taylors of Harrogate Yorkshire Tea Bedtime Brew
  • Price: $$
  • Key ingredients: Decaffeinated black tea, vanilla, and nutmeg
  • Type: Bagged

Not a fan of herbal teas? You still have options for a bedtime beverage. Decaffeinated black tea won’t help promote relaxation in the same way as herbs like valerian root, chamomile, or lavender.

Yet black tea offers other health benefits, and a warm cup of tea can still help soothe and calm you as a part of your nightly ritual.

This decaf blend from Yorkshire Tea makes a great alternative to herbal blends. Along with having an overall 4.5-star rating on Amazon, it’s a tried-and-true favorite nighttime tea, especially during the colder months.

The light, smooth flavor is balanced by a hint of nutmeg, while vanilla enhances the tea without overpowering it. Even when drinking it plain, it almost tastes as if you’ve added a dash of milk.

This tea also contains lemon balm, an herb that might help relieveTrusted Source insomnia and stress.

The best part? It doesn’t even taste like decaf. Several Amazon reviewers agree this mild tea tastes much like the real thing and makes a relaxing evening drink. People call this tea calming and fragrant, and they praise its “comforting” flavor.

Bonus: Yorkshire Teas have earned the Rainforest Alliance certification. And Taylors of Harrogate, the parent company of Yorkshire Tea, founded the Ethical Tea Partnership.


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