What Are the Best Foods to Eat After an Workout?


Picking the right food varieties after your exercise can assist you with recuperating all the more rapidly, construct muscle, and prepare for your next exercise.

Here is a fast manual for capitalizing on your post-exercise sustenance.

At the point when you work out, your muscles utilize their glycogen energy stores. A portion of the muscle proteins additionally gets harmed, particularly during strength exercises.

Vanessa Voltolina, an enlisted dietitian in the more prominent New York City region, says “eating the right mix of sugars, protein, nutrients, and minerals helps speed the method involved with modifying the pre-owned glycogen stores, just as fixing muscle proteins.”

Individuals additionally shouldn’t avoid remembering some sound fats for their eating regimen.

“I think the vast majority are needing more solid fats to help take in the fat-solvent nutrients,” said Adam Kelinson, a New York City-based private cook and wholesome advisor for competitors, famous people, and chiefs.

What you eat after an exercise relies upon the length and power of activity. The kind of activity is likewise significant.

“Higher carb suppers are generally useful after perseverance exercises — like running or cycling — enduring over 60 minutes,” Voltolina told Healthline. “Following strength preparing, devour protein in blend with moderate sugar.”

Timing additionally matters, however you have more leeway than you may suspect.

“The ideal planning for burning through a post-exercise nibble is inside 45 minutes,” said Voltolina, “yet advantages can be seen as long as 2 hours in the wake of preparing.”

Keeping it in perspective

fitness and nutrition coach said unless you’re an athlete or work out a lot, post-workout nutrition is not as important as other factors — such as your overall macronutrients (protein, carbs, fats), eating mainly whole foods, and your overall calorie intake.

So, when deciding what to eat after your workout, you have to keep in mind how the whole day fits your exercise goals.

“You want your 24-hour period to look great,” said Inkster. “If that means amping up your protein content, then by default, your post-workout nutrition meal or snack is probably going to be a little higher in protein.”

Vegans and vegetarians, though, need to eat protein from a variety of sources throughout the day to make sure they’re getting enough of the essential amino acids.

Kelinson said you should also be honest about how much of your workout is actually moderate or high intensity.

“Ultimately, you may spend just 30 or 40 minutes out of an hour working out,” Kelinson explained to Healthline. “You move from one thing to the next, you talk a little bit, you get some water, you take your breaks. We’re not talking high-exertion efforts here.”

So be careful about overdoing the packaged post-workout snacks, many of which have added sugars.

“Just because you move your body a little bit, it is not a license to overconsume,” said Kelinson.

You can also probably get away with following your workout with one of your regular meals or snacks, rather than adding another meal to your day.

“People who train really early in the morning will often have something really small before their workout, just for a bit of energy,” said Inkster. “And then their breakfast, which they would normally have anyway, becomes their so-called post-workout nutrition.”

Don’t forget to hydrate

Drinking enough water before, during, and after your workout can help with recovery and your next day’s performance.

Professional athletes sometimes measure their body weight before and after a workout to know how much water they need to replace.

But you can probably get away with keeping an eye on the color of your urine — pale yellow is where you want it.

Depending on the intensity of your workout and the temperature of the environment, you may also need an electrolyte drink to replenish sodium and potassium lost in your sweat.

Post-workout foods

When choosing foods to eat after your workout, look for foods that are easily digested to speed up nutrient absorption.

You should also lean toward whole foods that are packed with other micronutrients.

Here are a few options.


  • chia seed pudding
  • crackers
  • fruit (berries, apple, bananas, etc.)
  • oatmeal
  • quinoa
  • rice cakes
  • sweet potatoes
  • whole-grain bread
  • whole-grain cereal


  • chocolate milk
  • cottage cheese
  • eggs
  • Greek yogurt
  • turkey or chicken
  • salmon or tuna
  • peanut butter
  • protein shake (plant- or animal-based)
  • tofu scramble

Healthy fats

  • avocado
  • coconut oil
  • flax seeds
  • nut butter
  • nuts


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